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Ahhhhh, Shade

With the temps being so hot, like 110, my tomatoes were needing some shade.  So today, the kids and I went up to Lowe’s and bought a package of white sun screen fabric, which came in a roll of 6′ x 15′.  You can also have it cut to the length you...

Pollinating Zucchini

Sometimes I have to pollinate my zucchini plant.  I only have one zucchini plant, so when it first started putting out a few zucchinis they would start turning yellow on the end and then shrivel up.  So I got busy each morning and pollinated them and they started...

Tomato Jungle

I thought I would explain to y’all why I have created a tomato “jungle”.  It looks like I have planted them too close together, but in all actuality, I have found that planting them this close, 18″-2 feet, together makes them thrive better as...