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Pac Choi





Here’s a story that I never thought I’d be telling. Last Saturday, my husband and I were sitting in the garden in our Adirondack chairs, enjoying the peace and quiet while all the kids were taking a nap and catching up on some sleep from a late night sleepover with their cousins.  As we were chatting, out of the corner of my eye I noticed a plant moving, a little too much.  As I glanced over at it I started telling my husband that there must be a large bug on it and then, just like in the cartoons, it got pulled under into the ground and disappeared right before our eyes.  My husband and I looked at each other in shock and then commented that we thought that only happened in the cartoons.  Nope, ladies and gentlemen, gophers really do pull plants all the way under the ground in about 3 seconds.  Amazing.  So my husband got the hose and shoved it into the hole where the plant used to be and turned the water on full blast….for 10 minutes and the water never did come back up out of the hole.  I’m not sure where that water went, but it went somewhere and maybe that dang gopher won’t come back.