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Well, here it is March madness time for gardens. I haven’t been keeping you up to date and I apologize. You should either have or be putting in your spring gardens NOW !! If you wait any longer it will get too hot for your veggies to produce and will disappoint your efforts. NOW IS THE TIME!

I decided to put in tomatoes, peppers, squash, onions and swiss my main crops. I have limited pumpkins, sunflowers (seed varieties) eggplants, edamame (soy beans) shallots, garlic and strawberries. I have several varieties of each vegetable of the main groups. I also dedicated a portion of my garden to herbs, of which I have 20 different kinds. I am excited to use them all in some form of my cooking recipes.

If any of you are wondering about what to put in you can choose from different varieties from each of the groups that I have planted. If you need to know what to do with your soil remember to work in a top layer of at least 4-6 inches of compost to your 12 inch seedbed. Our soil here tends to get hard and this will help conserve water and keep your soil fertile. You can check the archives on this site for further tips that I have given in the past year.

So, with that being said I hope all of you will get out and get some dirt under your fingernails (just kidding) and enjoy the great outdoors that we have this time of year. You will find peace, inner satisfaction and pride in growing your own food. Good luck and good planting.