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Well it is September again! Sorry I’m late getting this to you. I took the summer off and made a trip to West Virginia. I was very interested on how they garden there. What I found was that it is about the same, except things really grow there in the summer. Really big things. Being an Arizona native I was amazed that people plant their gardens and then hope it will rain to keep them from dying. Odd, I thought, because here in the desert, if we didn’t water the seeds would at least get a decent burial. O.K. enough on that.

It is time to get out there and start digging up your soil and adding organic mulch, manure and turn it under. This will give it enough time to get the microbe action going in your garden after a long HOT summer. If you are a gardener like I am, the time is about 3 weeks away from the time you can grow almost anything your heart desires. Dust off those seed catalogs and start a wish list, because here it comes!. I am growing sweet potatoes and I started an August crop of corn.

So far, the sweet potatoes have taken over a major portion of my garden. You might note that if you want to plant sweet potatoes they will grow during the summer, but you have to give them a lot of water and a lot of room.

Well, I will pick this thing up around the first of October. I am interested to find out from you out there in gardenland what you are planning to grow in your fall gardens? Until then get out there and get some dirt under your fingernails, you’ll love it.