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Ahhhhh, Shade

With the temps being so hot, like 110, my tomatoes were needing some shade.  So today, the kids and I went up to Lowe’s and bought a package of white sun screen fabric, which came in a roll of 6′ x 15′.  You can also have it cut to the length you...

My Dad’s Garden Photos

I was visiting with my dad this weekend and took some pictures of what he’s growing.  I’m inspired to definately have a strawberry patch next year! And then there’s the grapevine… A very ripe tomato… Yellow Pears And a bunch of green...

Eggplants, woohoo!

I think it’s great.  My children are not so sure about them.  They think they are cool looking, but I mentioned that I was going to cook them tonight and they looked at me kind of funny.    My 8 year old son really enjoyed the challenge of whipping out his...

It rained, it really did!

Well, sort of… We got really excited and then it stopped after 30 second of sprinkling…..oh well, maybe next time. My hired boys did a great job and almost completed their/my project today of clearing the rocks. I’m contemplating on whether to keep...